Mexico: News related to tax changes in Mexico for 2024Coast Digital2024-04-16T13:02:36+02:0026/03/2024|Legal, Tax|
Brazil: The Multiple Facets of Tax ReformAlejandro Tristan Parra2024-03-26T14:49:57+01:0025/03/2024|Tax|
Peru: Integrated System of Electronic Records (SIRE)Alejandro Tristan Parra2024-02-19T14:31:46+01:0023/11/2023|Fintech, Tax|
India: Tax Benefits for Indian Private Limited CompaniesAlejandro Tristan Parra2024-02-19T14:39:42+01:0022/11/2023|Tax|
Finland: Taxation of profits obtained from the disposal of shares of non-resident companies owning real estate in the countryAlejandro Tristan Parra2024-02-19T14:44:14+01:0022/11/2023|Tax|
Sweden: Foreign Investment in Sweden and Updates on the 2024 Budget BillAlejandro Tristan Parra2023-12-14T13:03:14+01:0022/11/2023|Energy, Tax, Technology|
Chile: Benefits of the approved Double Taxation Agreement between Chile and USAAlejandro Tristan Parra2023-12-14T12:59:13+01:0017/11/2023|Tax|
Poland: Decrease on late payment interest ratesAlejandro Tristan Parra2023-12-14T12:56:01+01:0017/11/2023|Tax|
Italy: Italian companies must identify the beneficial owner and communicate itAlejandro Tristan Parra2023-11-24T10:56:15+01:0015/11/2023|Tax|
Estonia: Tax news relating to years 2024 and 2025Alejandro Tristan Parra2023-12-14T12:43:55+01:0014/11/2023|Tax|
Colombia: Regulation of electronic invoicing systemAlejandro Tristan Parra2023-12-14T12:12:00+01:0014/11/2023|Fintech, Technology|
Netherlands: Dutch Competition Authority seeks to increase power over small takeoversAlejandro Tristan Parra2023-12-14T12:08:35+01:0014/11/2023|Finance, Legal|
UK: How and when you must register for VAT in UK?Alejandro Tristan Parra2023-12-14T12:02:46+01:0013/11/2023|Tax|
Spain: Electronic invoicing, the long-awaited approvalAlejandro Tristan Parra2023-12-12T15:09:34+01:0013/11/2023|Fintech|
Víctor Salamanca (CEO of Auxadi) at Accountex España 2023Alejandro Tristan Parra2023-11-27T16:57:19+01:0007/11/2023|Auxadi Corporate, Events|
Postponement of the Implementation of Electronic Invoicing in FranceAlejandro Tristan Parra2024-04-12T15:49:19+02:0007/11/2023|Tax|
Bolivia: Extension of Deadline for Tax Returns of the Unified Agricultural RegimeAlejandro Tristan Parra2023-11-27T16:58:54+01:0006/11/2023|Tax|
Denmark: News related to the Corporate Income Tax in Denmark in 2023Alejandro Tristan Parra2023-11-24T10:58:39+01:0006/11/2023|Tax|
Auxadi Annual Summit 2023Alejandro Tristan Parra2023-11-27T16:51:52+01:0026/10/2023|Auxadi Corporate, Events|
Auxadi is a Great Place to Work!Alejandro Tristan Parra2023-10-05T15:49:36+02:0010/02/2023|Auxadi Corporate|