PORTUGAL: The Central Register of Beneficial Owners (CRBO)Santiago González Alvarez2019-02-22T08:01:28+01:0022/02/2019|Uncategorized|
AUXADI joins Fundación Créate to promote talentSantiago González Alvarez2019-03-19T15:15:29+01:0018/02/2019|Auxadi Corporate|
Brexit: The tax consequences of the UK’s exit from the EUSantiago González Alvarez2020-01-31T12:03:15+01:0015/02/2019|Tax|
MEXICO: Important Aspects of Payroll AdministrationSantiago González Alvarez2019-02-08T16:35:40+01:0008/02/2019|Payroll|
SPAIN: Find out the latest changes that affect the fiscal year closing for 2018Santiago González Alvarez2023-10-18T16:49:20+02:0031/01/2019|Tax|
Webinar: Update on the Accounting, Tax and Payroll framework in LATAM. Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and PeruSantiago González Alvarez2019-04-07T20:05:32+02:0031/01/2019|Auxadi Corporate, Past Events|
PERU: What you need to know when hiring an expatriate employeeSantiago González Alvarez2023-10-18T16:49:36+02:0017/01/2019|Payroll|
US: Social benefits. What foreign companies need to know when employing in the USAuxadi Madrid2021-07-05T16:42:42+02:0010/01/2019|Payroll|
Brazil: E-Social will be compulsory from July 2018 for all companies.Auxadi Madrid2018-12-10T11:39:05+01:0010/12/2018|Payroll, Tax|
Peru: Modify the Regulation of the Regime of GradualityAuxadi Madrid2023-10-18T16:52:52+02:0010/12/2018|Tax|
Webinar IAE: Tax on Economic ActivitiesAuxadi Madrid2019-04-07T20:11:16+02:0004/12/2018|Finance, Past Events, Tax|
BRASIL: Incentives for the automotive industry are approved by the Brazilian SenateAuxadi Madrid2023-10-18T16:53:01+02:0028/11/2018|Industry|
PERU: Christmas bonuses: What workers will perceive them?Auxadi Madrid2019-04-07T20:58:54+02:0027/11/2018|Payroll, Tax|
PORTUGAL: State Budget 2019. Summary of newsAuxadi Madrid2023-10-18T16:04:07+02:0026/11/2018|Finance, Tax|
CHILE: Law Project that regulate works contracts is approved by the chilean senateAuxadi Madrid2023-10-18T16:53:25+02:0026/11/2018|Payroll, Tax|
COLOMBIA: Improvements in the implementation of Electronic InvoicingAuxadi Madrid2023-10-18T16:53:37+02:0023/11/2018|Finance, Tax|
Chile: New reforms looking for a jump-start the economyAuxadi Madrid2023-10-18T16:53:41+02:0020/11/2018|Consumo, Real Estate, Tax|
Form 232: Report both transactions with related parties and with tax haven territories or alike countriesAuxadi Madrid2021-03-23T21:31:00+01:0016/11/2018|Auxadi Corporate, Tax|
Auxadi participates in the Energy Committee of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Spain (CCBE)Auxadi Madrid2023-10-18T16:54:15+02:0016/11/2018|Auxadi Corporate, Energy, Past Events|