Spain. Financial Transaction Tax LawSantiago González Alvarez2020-10-21T09:37:54+02:0016/10/2020|Finance, Tax|
Spain. Last Social measures in defense of employment (RD 30/2020 of September, 29)Santiago González Alvarez2020-10-15T13:27:25+02:0015/10/2020|Payroll|
Spain. Remote work RD-Law 28/2020Santiago González Alvarez2020-10-08T12:09:35+02:0030/09/2020|Payroll|
Spain. Declarations in relation to foreign investment (D-4 Model), as well as Spanish investment abroad (D-8 Model)Santiago González Alvarez2020-09-18T16:15:48+02:0018/09/2020|Tax|
AUXADI incorporates Inflexion as a financial partner to boost its growth in the US, Europe and Latin AmericaSantiago González Alvarez2021-07-05T16:19:24+02:0001/09/2020|Auxadi Corporate|
Panama. Special Regime for the Establishment and Operation of Multinational Corporations for the Provision of Services Related to Manufacturing (EMMA)Santiago González Alvarez2020-09-01T10:35:59+02:0027/08/2020|Tax|
Bolivia: tax incentives for economic reactivation and promotion of entrepreneurial activitySantiago González Alvarez2020-08-19T12:23:12+02:0019/08/2020|Tax|
Mexico. INIF23- How to recognize the effect of the benefits on the real state contracts affected by COVID-19Santiago González Alvarez2020-08-17T14:35:52+02:0017/08/2020|Real Estate, Tax|
Luxembourg. DAC 6 obligation to enhance more tax transparency in the EUSantiago González Alvarez2021-06-21T13:10:21+02:0004/08/2020|Tax|
Ecuador: tax updates and measures to boost new industriesAuxadi Madrid2020-07-30T16:48:21+02:0030/07/2020|Industry, Tax|
We continue with APD our conferences on internationalizationAuxadi Madrid2021-03-23T21:28:18+01:0029/07/2020|Auxadi Corporate, Past Events|
Portugal: Holidays – key points of Portuguese lawSantiago González Alvarez2021-09-06T12:51:54+02:0020/07/2020|Payroll|
Auxadi recognized at the awardsSantiago González Alvarez2021-03-23T21:28:34+01:0015/07/2020|Auxadi Corporate, Past Events|
Honduras: Updates for Economic Recovery post COVID-19Santiago González Alvarez2020-07-14T12:47:24+02:0014/07/2020|Finance, Tax|
Argentina. Draft law to regulate teleworkSantiago González Alvarez2023-02-28T11:46:52+01:0009/07/2020|Payroll|
The Czech Republic. Updates to support the economy and employmentSantiago González Alvarez2020-07-06T14:17:15+02:0006/07/2020|Payroll, Tax|
Spain. The Constitutional Court considers the fractionated payment of companies to be unconstitutional.Santiago González Alvarez2020-07-03T12:13:36+02:0003/07/2020|Legal, Tax|