X Solidarity Indoor Soccer Tournament Auxadi
Auxadi raises €22,502 for the Aleph-Tea Association
From 10th to 15th of September, Auxadi celebrated its X Solidarity Indoor Soccer Tournament. This edition we wanted to help the non for profit association Aleph-Tea, supporting its Early Care project, with primary focus on young children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
Medina Cuadros Abogados wins the X Solidarity Indoor Soccer Tournament Auxadi
In favour of:

Funds raised during the tournament will be contributed to the non for profit association ALEPH-TEA and its early care project, with primary focus on young children with autism spectrus disorders (ASD)
The intervention takes place in the usual environments in which the child develops, that is, in homes, schools and the community. The service is based on a focused, family centered intervention model, recognizing and assigning an active role to parents throughout the process. It is about make them feel capable of encouraging and empowering their children. Learn more about this and other projects that Aleph-Tea is developing through its website: