Minimizing risks and taking care of the health of the team is a priority
Garantía.MADRID, an initiative of the Reactivation Plan of the Government of the Community of Madrid to help the real economy in its coexistence with the COVID-19, has granted AUXADI the Madrid Guarantee Identification Certificate for the prevention and minimization of the risks caused by the COVID.
Minimizing risks and taking care of the health of Auxadi’s team is a priority. For this reason, all members of the firm are reassured to know that the time they spend in the office, the risk of contagion will be minimal, as long as prevention rules are followed.
Christmas is approaching and AUXADI hopes that all its teams will be able to hold at least 2 meetings before that date, one in November and another in December. AUXADI expects to return to the office at the beginning of the new year, but not before having analyzed the situation and the evolution of the infection figures.
Having obtained this seal raises the firm to the level of exigency in the fulfillment of the measures of prevention and in the fulfillment of the protocols of action.
Stay safe, stay well & enjoy Auxadi