In accordance with article 76, fraction X of the Income Tax Act (Income Tax Law), the mexican companies, must present, jointly with the anual income tax return, the information of the operations that realice with related parties resident abroad, carried out during the preceding calendar year requested, by means of the official form that the tax authorities approve to the effect.

On the other hand, the companies that decide to dictaminate their financial statements can file the information of the transactions with related parties study, to the date of expiration of the tax opinion.

On March 23rd, the Mexican Tax Authorities published, that for purposes of transfer pricing, stablished a new deadline for sending the information of the transactions carried out with related parts resident abroad, for all the Companies in Mexico.

 Following, the transcription of said publication as reference:
For the purposes of articles 76, section X and 110, section X of the Mexican Income Tax Law (“MITL”) in relation to the provisions of regulation, Taxpayers who did not choose to issue their financial statements for tax purposes, may submit the information corresponding to the fiscal year referred to in relation to the sections, contained in Annex 9 of the DIM, no later than June 30 of the year immediately following the end of the year concerned, provided that, in its case, there is consistency with the information filed in terms of article 76-A, section II of the MITL, for which taxpayers may file no later than June 30 of the year immediately following the termination of the year in question.

It is important that companies in Mexico bear in mind that the deadline to file the Annex 9 of the DIM (Annual Informative Tax Return) for the Fiscal Year 2017.