In many countries of the world, the luxury tax is a charge that applies to expensive items such as jewelry, art objects, technological devices, high-end vehicles and even fashionable items.
While in some countries this tax is used to protect the local industry, as in the case of Ecuador, Argentina and Chile, there are other countries where it is used exclusively to raise more fiscal resources, as in the case of Italy, for example.
In Chile, in August 1999, a law that allowed to increase from US $ 10,004 to US $ 15,000 the free limit of luxury tax was passed, which forced to reorganize the importation of vehicles that arrived through tax exemptions.
The measure managed to end the practice of selling quotas and then enter cars of greater economic value, without the need to pay taxes. Another consequence of this law was that more powers were given to the Transport Ministry to determine the basic safety elements, which will be mandatory for all vehicles arriving in Chile.
Actually, according to the Internal Revenue Service (SII), luxury items include gold, platinum and ivory items, as well as jewels, precious stones, fine furs, carpets or tapestries.
Also included in the list of items are mobile homes, canned caviar and similar, air or compressed gas weapons, and pyrotechnic articles such as fireworks, firecrackers or other explosives.
It should be noted that if it is the first importation of articles considered luxurious by law, an additional tax must be paid, which consists of a rate of 15% on the value in which they are sold. Meanwhile, pyrotechnic articles, such as firecrackers or fireworks, will be canceled at a rate of 50%.
As explained by experts, as long as there is a stable economic outlook in the country, people will have a greater interest in luxury goods, especially in the type of cars
The application of the luxury tax in Chile has benefits over the state coffers, which finally destine the money for different public policies. In addition, this tax contributes to the protection and growth of the market of this kind of products in the same country.
The national supply of expensive items not only can satisfy Chilean customers, but also must be prepared to face the expectations of foreign tourists, who drive the national economy during their visits to Chile.