On July 2, 2024, the Bolivian Tax Administration announced changes in the procedure for applying the Zero Rate regime of the Value Added Tax (VAT). This regime, designed to encourage the production and consumption of certain goods and services through a VAT exemption, has been adjusted to improve its efficiency and adapt to current economic conditions.

Context of the Zero Rate VAT Regime

The Zero Rate VAT regime is a fiscal policy designed to alleviate the tax burden on certain goods and services considered essential or strategic for the country’s economy. Under this regime, designated products and services benefit from a 0% tax rate, meaning that no VAT is charged to the final consumer, but suppliers can still recover the VAT paid on their inputs.

Purpose of the Modification

This legislative change aims to include within the regime the international road transport service activities of Bolivian cargo companies, including the transport of parcels, packages, documents, or correspondence.

According to this resolution, transport operators, regardless of their corporate designation, must manage the reassignment of international cargo transport activity directly with the Collection Area or the Large Taxpayers Unit. This tax amendment is one of several steps by the Bolivian Government to reach an agreement with the transport sector and end the pressure measures from transporters.

The modifications introduced by Regulatory Board Resolution No. 102400000015 seek to create a more favorable environment for taxpayers and promote economic growth in strategic sectors.

The simplification of procedures and the expansion of the list of benefited products and services could stimulate investment and consumption in key areas. Additionally, the new control standards aim to ensure that the benefits of the regime are applied equitably and efficiently.

If you manage operations in Bolivia or plan to expand to Bolivia or any of the more than 50 countries where Auxadi offers accounting, tax, and payroll services, contact us. With 45 years of experience and 1,500 satisfied clients, we can make your life easier. Contact us.

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Founded in 1979, Auxadi is a family-owned business working for multinational corporations, private equity funds and real estate funds. It’s the leading firm in international accounting, tax compliance and payroll services management connecting Europe and the Americas with the rest of the world, offering services in 50 countries. Its client list includes many of the top 100 PERE companies. Headquartered in Madrid, with offices in US and further 22 international subsidiaries, Auxadi serves 1,500+ SPVs across 50 jurisdictions.

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