Spanish Internationalization

A model for the new normal

After the situation caused by the financial crisis in 2008, Spanish companies found in internationalization a way to grow and an alternative to the domestic market, thus culminating the process initiated in the 90s. From 2009 to 2017 the data on exports of goods and services as a percentage of nominal GDP did not stop growing.

Now, the internationalization of companies appears again as a key element for the economic recovery of our country, but the risks derived from globalization in exceptional situations such as the present can be an obstacle when betting on these processes.

To answer this and other questions we present our new White Paper. Spanish companies facing internationalisation. Keys to the new normality’.
A compendium and an analysis in which we review the current context, destination countries, strengths of Spanish companies in this process, the role of technology or the tax scenario, among other topics of interest for the organizations.

Let’s talk about
what you need

Rima Yousfan
Chief Operating Officer