On Wednesday April 26, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m., Auxadi will held a course about the new formal obligations generated by the new Immediate Information Delivery system (SII) and the impact for companies in their incorrect implementation.
We will begin with the keynote presentation by Pilar Salinas, Director of indirect Taxation of Auxadi, and Sara Orgaz, Senior Manager Real Estate of Auxadi, who will reveal all the details about the new VAT system and how to operate with it via the Tax Agency Website, which will be operational on July 1 2017, and will affect more than 63,000 Spanish companies.
Auxadi has taken part as a pilot company in the development of the management system that aims to fight Tax fraud and to build an assistance tool for the taxpayer.
The course will take part in Madrid and has a registration fee of 250€ for AECA partners and collaborators and 500€ for other people interested.
To register please send an email to this address providing your Name, Surname, Company, Title and Contact email: marketing@auxadi.com
Find all details here.